No Tortilla Shell Tacos

No tortilla shell tacos

Oh for the love of tacos. Love tacos cannot handle the carbs, here is a lettuce wrap alternative. It is simple, easy, and all you lose is the tortilla shell. 

Prep Time: 20-25 minutes.
Cook Time: 20 minutes.
Serves: 6

What You Need

1/2 pound of Ground Beef
Roman Lettuce 
Sour Cream
Black Olives
Taco Seasoning
All your favorite toppings.  


Cook ground beef the way you normally do, do not forget to drain meat. 
once drained add favorite taco seasoning to ground beef. 

Wash roman lettuce, only trim bottom end towards white steam. Make sure you have a strong lettuce leaf. 

Add favorite toppings, and enjoy. No tortilla needed. 


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